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To learn more about how digital signage can help your business, contact us today. We have so much knowledge and expertise to share with you! With our guidance, your business will be able to turn any idea into a reality.

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+1 573 204 6182


2831 St Rose PKWY 200
Henderson NV 89052, US

Suite 507, 3500 Dufferin St,
North York, ON M3K 1N2, Canada

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Freequently Asked Questions

What kinds of digital signage displays are available?

The most common digital signage displays are LCD or plasma, but computer screens can work as well. Really, as long as the screen has an accessible HDMI port, you can use it as a digital signage display.

Why should my business/organisation use digital signage?

Traditional advertising is becoming less and less effective. Digital signage captures the attention of current and potential customers, and provides them with valuable, engaging content. This enables you to effectively communicate with them: whether to provide the latest session times in your cinema, promote your two-for-one offer, or create interest for your new store that’s opening next week. Digital signage is flexible, scaleable, easy to use and more cost-effective in the long term.

Is it easy to change content?

Super easy! This is one of the key benefits of digital signage: you can change your content at the touch of a button using digital signage software.

How much does digital signage cost?

We offer several different pricing options for digital signage, depending on your need. For example, we offer packaged deals or you can simply just buy software from us. It is important to consider the total cost of ownership for digital signage, as you want to include costs such as maintenance and cost of installation. Our digital signage solution includes a digital signage media player that is bundled with our software. There is a one-time fee for the media player but the software is free.


What is required to set up a digital signage system?

There are three key components to a digital signage system: the digital display, the software and the content.

Are there signage templates for my type of project ?

Yes, we’ve designed templates for a variety of sectors and types of signs. Just choose the one that best fits your message and upload content in the appropriate modules.

We are a one-stop shop!

The best digital signage software makes it simple and simple to use digital signage to advertise your services or present information.

Call Us Anytime: +1 573 204 6182